Loved reading this Isobel, brought it all back. I’m still struggling to process the experience months later.

Wishing you well and so sorry about your long covid.

Hopefully you’ll wake up one morning open your blind and it will be gone 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

Your roomy

Harriet xx

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Loved hearing your sharp observations about happenings on our ship, especially the "mirror incident." Hope you are Covid free soon!

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Loved reading about this trip-- so sorry it included Covid, but what an experience!

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I've definitely had friends who were nonfiction writers get mad that bigger writers at bigger publications had written takes similar to ones they'd previously published--they felt certain the bigger writers had read their articles and written something similar, using their superior clout to get it published. In some cases they were probably right. But I felt like...you weren't gonna get this article in the Washington post anyway! If you could've, you would've, so at least your idea got out there to a wider audience, even if your name didn't.

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Glad you had better luck making it home than the Andree expedition. Thanks for sharing your trip. I never heard of anything like it and look forward to anything else you write about it.

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